Hello, yes it's me again. And you'll be seeing my posts here like every week, so yeah.
Please i beg you, dont get sick of me. But if you do right, then good lah. So then you can blog instead of me.
Anywayxzxzxz, i know a lot of people missed lessons on sunday cause of cny, so i shall try to make this as concise as possible.
The issue/question we were addressing is 'How do i know if my choice is right/wrong'.
It's basically bout how we identify if things are right or wrong if they arent specifically stated in the Bible. For example, (taken from grace's class), is working in a casino wrong? When i was asked that question (by achan during lunch of all things), i admit i was kinda stumped. The Bible didnt say that 'YOU CANNOT WORK IN A CASINO'. So, how do we even know that what we're doing is the right thing?
Firstly, we must ask ourselves, 'will my choice honour and glorify the Lord'. This is the most important questions, cause we as christians are living and breathing testimonies for the Lord. As 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, so whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of the Lord. We want others to have a good impression of christians, and so they would be interested and thus a door would be open to us to share to them. However, if we make descisions that do not glorify the Lord, we would either be turning people away from Him, or giving others the wrong impression of christianity. And we all dont want that to happen yeah ;D
Next, we must consider, 'will my choice be a hindrance to others'. One example, is the different way people worship. As y'all know, christianity is so-called divided into baptist, charismatics, methodists, etc. Each and every one of them have their own style of worship. Some speak in tongues, whilst others roll on floors (yeah, we discussed that during sunday school and we decided that our church is too small for us to roll). Another example that is closer to us is the conventional christians and the not-so conventional christians. Take the chinese and english congregation in our church. We once had the problem bout using drums during worship cause the chinese congregation felt that it was not edifying to the Lord.
But, from all these, we learnt that if our choice (i.e. the drums) is a hindrance to others (i.e. chinese congregation), we should not do it, cause it would disturb others from worshipping the Lord. Everyone has their own style, but if it causes uncomfort to those around, dont do it.
Oh, then we must also think 'will my choice build others up'. We dont want our choice to be a hindrance to others, but to build them up. An example that auggie gave was that our role as 'older younger youths' (we're the older youths of the younger generation), we have to set a good role model to the 'younger younger youths', as many of them look up to us. So if we dont give offering, they may look at you and say 'hey she/he doesnt give offering, so why should i'. In every choice we make, we must consider the others around us, that we wont tear them down but instead be of encouragement to them.
And the last of the last of the last and the most important.
We do things out of faith to the Lord. If we arent sure, we should just completely not do it, cause if we do it, we are doubting our faith and God as well. And doubting God is something that we dont wanna do (:
Yes, im done thankyouverymuchapplauseplease. Oh and remember, screwtape letters on the 28th of february! Bring friends, bring yourself (duh), and text yg by this friday to confirm your attendance. And yeah, we're combining with ccbc.
Also, yg has opened up his house this coming saturday for the sake of cnyyyy. So we can go visit them and play with the kids hahaha. It's a great time of fellowship, this saturday anytime from 3pm-6pm. But tell him first whether you're going lah, dont crash his place pleaseeee.
It's called lkbcyouths/ya so we can let the not-so-young people join as well ;D
(yg, if you're reading this, we strongly advise you to create facebook ;D)
That's all, cya all on saturday/sundayyyyyyy.