Many thanks to Joel and Esther for summarising the session on Sunday. I hope you've been keeping up with the Devotions.
Remember to Question: Is there a standard for Right and Wrong?
3 life principles:
a.There is a standard because it's written in our conscience
b. There is a standard because there is a God who defines right and wrong
c. God set the standard for right and wrong, and it hasn't change
Here're some mid-week activity to reinforce the truths shared on Sunday:
2 Faulty Sources of Truth
A. The Faulty Source of Personal Opinion
§ Read Proverbs 16:25
§ One faulty source of truth is our own personal opinion, intellect, or reason. We stupidly think that we have the capability to determine right from wrong based on our own intelligence, logic, or emotions. There’s a serious problem with depending on our own thoughts to determine right and wrong.
§ Personal opinion is flawed at the core.
§ Here’s another test. Look on the image. Tell me how many different shades of grey are in the center circles?
The truth is, there is only one shade of grey. Our minds become confused by what we see. And just as our eyes can be confused, so can our minds and our hearts. We are human and flawed; we cannot determine truth on our own.
B. The Faulty Source of Human or Worldly Philosophy
§ Read Colossians 2:8-10.
§ Another faulty source of truth is human or worldly philosophy. What kinds of human philosophies are out there? You hear ideas such as: Truth is whatever you make it; Money and power are all that matters; Image is everything; Pursuit of pleasure is the ultimate goal. There are tons of others, but this passage makes it clear that this way of thinking is deceptive. It promises something it cannot deliver. Colossians says it is hollow—seems great on the outside, but empty on the inside.
§ Human/worldly philosophy is empty at its core.
1 true source of Truth
C. The Solution: Living in the Truth of Christ!
§ Read John 8:32.
§ This Scripture tells us a couple of things. First, knowing truth is possible. Truth isn’t playing hide-and-seek. It can be found. Second, knowing truth sets us free. When we are able to live by a real source of truth, we find freedom to live the way we were designed to live. When we live by what is false, our lives reap the consequences. For example, when we live by the lie that sex before marriage is not wrong, then we face the results—emotional trauma, a damaged relationship, physical consequences (such as AIDS and STDs), and possibly a damaged reputation. Living by God’s truth frees us from those results.
Do spend about 15 mins reading through the Bible and thinking ... Have a great time reflecting on these ...
Outreach Event: C.S Lewis "The ScrewTape Letters" a stage performance by the Parables Company, a Christian Theatre Company founded by a group of Young Adults.
Click on the link above to find out more. A great opportunity to invite your friends and get them chatting.
Date: 28 feb (Sat) 3pm
Venue: Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel
Ticket: $29
Student discount: 15%
Group Discount (min 20 pax): 5%
We're likely to combine with CCBC!
For it's Christ we serve,