Whoa, I think Joel blogged really well. Now I don't even dare to blog. Hahahah. Plus, I just blogged on thursday luh! Unfair! Hahah. Oh well, since my name was picked out of the hat, I shall do this post with no more complains. :D
So today's the first sunday of the year!
Glad to see so many faces at the start of the year! Hahah.
And welcome, Janice, Bernnetta & Samuel!
At first when Auggie said, let's do what we always do to welcome the new-comers, I seriously thought that we were going to sing 'Welcome to the family'. Hahah. We all missed that lots.
Anyway, back to what I'm supposed to blog about.
Is there a standard for right & wrong?
Grace asked all of us that question. And the answers were evenly spread out. Some said yes, some said no, and some said I don't know. (EHH! It rhymes! Hahah. Okay whatever.) But slowly as we went through the materials, many of us changed our answers to Yes. But why?
1. There is a standard because it is written on our conscience. (Romans 2:14-15)
2. There is a standard because there is a God who defines right and wrong. (Exodus:1-2) He is the true God & that is why there is a standard.
3. God has set the standard for right & wrong, and it hasn't changed. (Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus is the same, yesterday, today & forever") The bible sets a standard that will not change. This standard, is God's standard.
I found the illustration given by Grace very interesting. Just wanted to share it with you guys and make my post longer than joel's. Lol.
Let's make a comparison between God and the Prime minister(PM). (Any prime minister. I don't want to get arrested or anything. Lol.) But yes. What's the difference of the standards that they set.
1. PM may make mistakes. But God NEVER makes a mistake.
2. PM may change the standard that he sets. But God NEVER changes his standard. (Isaiah 40:6-8- "but the word of our God remains forever")
3. If one day the PM dies, someone may take over and change the standards. But God LIVES FOREVER. His standard will always be the same. :D
An absoloute standard for right & wrong, DOES EXIST because there is a God. And God's standard is the right and true standard. :D
That was what we covered in our class today! Hahah. I personally found it interesting, because in this age/society, it's difficult sometimes, to differentiate from truth and untruth (if there is such a word). Hope you guys found the lesson interesting as well! :D
I'll like to encourage all of you to take time to do your DJ (devotional journals) this week yeah! And I pray that you guys will enjoy the dj as you read through it. Enjoy your time with God!
See y'all next sunday, yo.