Dear LKYouths,
We've come to the end of this season of KNOWN but the lessons are far from over. Be transformed ... this reflection is a very difficult "medicine" to swallow. However, we do need to first confess that we're all 'in need of a miracle healer' to some extent.
The Question
What’s the big deal about loving others?
The Point
God commands us to love Him, love ourselves, and love others—even enemies.
A. Loving others is a reasonably difficult command.
§ Read Matthew 22:37-40
§ God commanded us to love Him with all that we have. Is loving God easy or difficult? God commanded us to love ourselves. Is loving ourselves easy or difficult? God commanded us to love our neighbors. Is loving our neighbors easy or difficult?
§ Why are these verses referred to as The Great Commandment? Why is this so important?
§ In your opinion, why is loving others a reasonably difficult command? What makes it difficult?
B. Loving those who hurt us is a more difficult command.
§ Read Matthew 5:38-42.
§ This passage starts with the Old Testament law of reciprocity, “An eye for an eye.” In essence this approach to life meant if someone did something to you, you were perfectly within your rights to do that same thing back to him or her.
§§ As difficult as it is to turn the other cheek, the really tough part is next.
C. Praying for our enemies is a near-impossible command.
§ Matthew 5:43-47
§ There are two near-impossible commands here: Mission Impossible #1: Love your enemies. Mission Impossible #2: Pray for those who persecute you. Why would a loving God give us what seem like impossible commands?
§ Do you think God hates anyone or anything? Do you think God has enemies?
§ Scripture makes it clear that God hates sin. It was God’s wrath that was poured out on Jesus for our sin. God has people who oppose Him, and oppose His ways. Before you followed Christ, you were God’s enemy. Why would God ask you to love your enemies?
§ God consistently asks you to do things that seem impossible from your human perspective so that others can see His power demonstrated through you in the most difficult things.
D. We demonstrate the character of God when we love in hard situations.
§ Read Matthew 5:48
§ God makes it plain now that He is asking you to do something that is impossible, humanly speaking. Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. God is love, and His love is perfect. His Spirit is also alive in you. His love is alive in you. He wants the pattern of your life to become a dependence upon Him to do what only He can do.
§ In your opinion, what do you think it means to be perfect as God is perfect? How can we go about doing that?
§ God is not asking us to do anything He has not already done. Before we came to know Him, He sought the best for us when we didn’t deserve it. When you treat people the way they deserve to be treated, you are just like everyone else. When you seek the best for others, even for your enemies, you are like God.
§ This isn’t going to be easy. Visualize some of the people who have mistreated them. Visualize themselves loving their enemies by seeking the best for them. Your enemies know God is involved when they have mistreated you, and you are still a blessing to them.
§ Just in case all of this idealistic talk has not convinced you that you should live out this impossible challenge, listen to the Word of God. Read Proverbs 25:21-22.
§ I see some of you smiling. Let’s pray.