I've not logged in and blogged for almost 1 1/2 months! Many things have happened: new job, June/July events (Combine Baptist Youth Worship, Mission Sunday, Youth Sunday) *whew* and also the sad passing of Samuel. All these combined overwhelmed me for a period and it took considerably longer to get back on my feet than I've thought.
I thank you all for being faithful in your service to God, within the Church and also importantly outside of Church. Do remain steadfast, trusting in the Lord. I was very encouraged @ the unity and enthusiasm that you've put into Youth Sunday in July.
From the sharings to the skit to the decor ... even the "Little Black Book", I observe that all were done with gladness of hearts. To God be the glory.
Joshua's sharing
Esther's sharing
We've also come some way with regards to the study on Ephesians. From Apr - Aug, we've faithfully unpackaged God's Word and dug deep to find "treasures". These are "treasures" that moth and rust will not destroy. Eternal treasures that moulds our hearts to know God. For all the worship leaders during WKRZ, keep the keepin' on!! Keep practising and worshiping God .. not the music. The Holy Spirit within you will guide you.
And for the rest of the year (Sep to Dec), we'll embark on MISSION PREPARATION!!!! Remember, EVERYONE is involved in this, whether you're the Tripper going to ISAAN or one of the "Trooper (home team!)". You're IN!! So watch out for exciting stuff coming your way!
Some things to expect:
(i) Collection for Bicycle Project
(ii) October Edu Tour (Isaan students vist Singapore!)
(iii) Studies on "Why go?" (so .. err ... wat's Mission huh?)
(iv) Skit/Workshop/Games prep + props etc etc ....
*whew* quite a bit of work but LKYouths together with Covenant Community BC & Redeemer BC will be bringing the Good News to the land!
This is my prayer for us going into the last quarter of 2008 ...
Jesus said "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine" (John 8:31)
Guys/Gals, remain in God's Word. Exam stresses are setting in. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)
For it's Christ we serve,
PS: LKYouths is on "Flickr"!!!! Check out the link @ the side! Older pics can still be seen in the old gallery. Let me know if you encounter problems.