>>this is waaaay overdue (part of this was typed more than a week ago) but i'm here!
going on to fuel2...
firstly, i've found that the hardest part of fuel is actually doing the DJ's. i can't honestly say that i look forward to doing DJ's every night. sometimes i just want to go to bed. especially because i usually do my DJ's before i sleep so i don't have to rush them. and by that time, i'm both physically and mentally exhausted. it's hardest nearer the end of the week cos all the days of sleeping late begin to catch up and i feel like just letting my homework and the DJ's go cos "there's always tomorrow". it's easy just to let all the DJ's slide. "never mind, i can always make up another day..." but that never happens. and i'm sure i'm not the only one feeling that way...
but i have to remind myself that:
1) i can't get closer to God without reading His word
2) if i have time to do other stuff then it's not right to forgo reading the bible. i remember our TTP lessons from youth camp :) - God needs to be the number one priority in our life
3) it's easier to be taken unawares by spiritual warfare if we don't read God's Word regularly...i've experienced spiritual warfare quite a few times and get into huge quarrels with my family, always before i do Worship on sunday or something for the church. and i don't want to repeat the experiences again. or be led astray.
going on to the actual thing...
Session 5: How do you know the Bible is true?
it's difficult to tell the truth between fact and fiction sometimes. but how do we know what we have been reading and studying and learning from for years- the Bible- is sound doctrine? all evidence IN the Bible tells us that the Bible is in fact, the Word of God.
"Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prephecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." 2 Peter 1:20-21
The Bible states all scripture is God-breathed. but we can also find external evidence that the Bible is indeed, true and the Word of God. for one thing, the time lapse between the actual events that occured and the first appearances of the Scriptures is much shorter (hundreds of years shorter) than the time lapse between other events recorded in history and their recordings. and furthermore, these recordings (like wars and stuff we learn in history) are taken as the facts!
so why not the Bible?
the events in the new testament happened over a thousand years ago. (yeah, cos now is 2008 A.D.) and the stuff in the old testament happened thousands of years ago. and there are so many versions of the Bible and so many different chapters are verses and so much stuff that happened, and it's amazing that the main gist and order of the Bible has remained the same after so many years. the Bible has been translated into so many languages, yet after all these changes the Bible still remains God's Word.
Exodus is still after Genesis, Leviticus is still after Exodus, John is still after Luke which is still after Mark which is still after Matthew...
"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:6-8
and the word of God stands forever and ever and ever! :) even in our modern world, where everything is constantly changing, we can still count on the Bible to be relevant in our daily lives. sometimes i'm puzzling over a problem or hesistating over what to do, a verse from the Bible just pops into my head. and it helps, though it doesn't provide instant solutions. i pray about it, but sometimes i willingly disobey as well :x
haha...that's precisely why reading the Bible regularly and maintaining a close relationship with God is important.
finally done. anyway, we need to pray for:
1) people to feel the need to turn up for prayer meetings
2) crossing the line this year :)
3) everyone not to be distracted and to do DJ's regularly
4) spiritual warfare that may happen in the church (well, if there's no spiritual warfare that means we're not moving in the right direction right?)
5) the health and wisdom and discernment of the deacons, pastors, and elders, especially whichever pastor that is preaching on sunday
6) cell groups!
7) for people in the churh to step up and serve :DDD
Lastly, PTL for giving Rebecca a good recovery!
Happy CNY everyone!