Or has the greeting grown stale? Swiftly, 4 months of 2008 has passed. Some of us will be entering the stressful phase of mid-year examination or for our final year uni students ... the last set of exams you'll be taking for a long .. long .. while. (yiipee!!)
It was not too long ago when we've committed to "Crossing the Line" in respect of our spiritual life. You'll remember me commenting one Sunday that our lives cannot be compartmentalised into different segments of mental, physical, spiritual, emotional etc etc. God made us ONE. Just like the Trinity cannot be separated, each part of ourselves form a whole. Hence, when I address the "spiritual" life, I'm actually referring to YOUR LIFE.
Are you living? Or should I say ... are you ALIVE?
Strange subject title isn't it? but as I rested in the comforts of my home, resting my tired legs (aargghh ... getting old) I think we can draw some comparisons between the simple game of "Captain's Ball" and our LIFE.
The Ball.
This the object of the game. Without it, you've NO game. It would not make sense to "imagine" a ball or even sit around and "talk" about the ball or even "study" about the ball. Without the ball, you just have NO game.
Good thing we've a ball. So the game did take place. As players of the game, we have to "catch" the ball & "pass" the ball. We rush towards the ball. It's NICE to have the ball. It makes us feel part of the game. Imagine if you did not touch the ball a single instance .... it would have been the same as sitting on the sideline. Sadly, even though you may be physically present, you were not really part of the game. You were not involved .... & you did not contribute.
However, having the ball can be stressful. You need to think "what must I do with the ball"? Should I shoot or pass? Who do I pass to? Should I lobe the ball or pass straight or pass under? Decisions, decisions, decisions .... Eventually, the ball leaves your hands & whether you contributed to your side winning or losing really depends on your decisions.
Also, to make the game COMPLETE, there are players of different shapes, sizes and skill. It does not make sense to play on your own. Well, it's sure no FUN!! Yet, by the random "satu" "dua" count, we're divided into our sides. Not by choice, but from a pre-determined system of selection. We've to work together, improve our "play" and "score".
Now ... if JESUS is the "ball" and the game is your LIFE, what are the implications?
1. Without Jesus, there is no LIFE
2. What you choose to do with "Jesus" matters.
3. Whom your other brothers & sisters in Christ are(seemingly random selection of your team members) and how you decide to interact and grow with them matters a whole lot!
I'm talking about your LIFE ... perhaps it's time to treat it more seriously than just a game.
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24
Let's make sure we X the line together,
PS: For more pics ... check out the gallery.