It's already been 1 week since the arrival of Baby Charis and Eleos. *wow!* Seems like time have somewhat slowed down with the flurry of activities that ensued from the point Grace & I admitted into hospital on the midnight of 9th July (0000hrs).
Labour was not brought on naturally but induced because the doctor has assessed that the water-level in the protective cover is drawing thin. Hence, with 2 babys in the womb and potentially added complications, it'll be prudent to induce.
Grace spent the next 12 hours in the labour ward awaiting the cervix to dilate. With each hour, as the period between each contraction become shorter. the intensity becomes more heightened as well. Mmmm ... so ... what's the husband's role in all this? Other than watching CNN on the tele (hee ... just joking). I became the instant water-boy/masseuse/cheer-leader/encourager all @ once.
I busy myself with preparing hot Milo for Grace to sip in between contractions. I also became well-known for my dashes to the microwave oven where I heat up a "rice" sock (yes ... literally means, a sock filled with rice). To-be fathers take note! This rice-sock is a real comfort for mothers enduring contractions because it becames an instant pain reliever/ muscle relaxant when you rub against the lower back. Best thing ... the heat retains in the sock for at least 10 mins.
The pains from the contractions became more excruciating. Grace is really a TROOPER! She endured through them all .... and she is one who fears needles!! She endured each contraction, one @ a time without any anathesia. *whew* As a husband on the sideline. it can be heart-renching to see your wife suffering.
**fast forward** It's 11 am and the 2nd stage of labour (a.k.a the pushing) begins. Charis emerged pretty easily but nothing quite prepares me for what happens next ... .
Eleos was not positioned head-down. We've known this fact months ahead during the scans but we were quietly hoping that he will turn. A couple of days before the delivery date, Grace and I deliberated our options. C-section will be the safer option ( a natural option of most docs) ... well ... the only other is try a normal delivery and turn Eleos in the womb when Charis is out. We chose the latter.
Hence Dr Choo (our doc!) tried to turn Eleos but to no avail as his butt is already engaged (i.e. breech). We decided to give breech delivery a go. Grace pushed hard ... but we're presented with another problem. Eleos hands were emerging with his buttocks. Such presentation is potentially dangerous for the baby. By this time, the alternative of C-section is being explored & I begin to see the nurses going about a flurry of activities. Through all this, Grace was still enduring the contraction and upon hearing that she had to undergo a C-section, she really burst out in tears as she cried out to God for help.
What happened next is nothing short of a miracle. With the contractions in such close intervals, Grace had the compulsion to push. Eleos was already coming out despite all efforts by Grace to hold him in. Dr Choo then attempted to push his little hand back and pull out his legs. The pain that Grace was going through was really excruciating. I could do nothing but hug her tightly and reassure her. Tears welled up in my eyes .... I did not know if Eleos is going to make it .... "Grace, give a hard push!" Upon hearing that, Grace gave all she could and Eleos tiny legs -> buttocks -> body -> finally his head emerged!! The next few seconds moved in slow motion as I observed that Eleos flopped backwards from the doc's arm. "Oh God ... is he going to make it?" After the nurses drained the fluid from his mouth, then came the most wonderful sound ... yeeeaaaaay ...... Eleos let out a loud cry!!!! Hallelujah!!!! He's alive! He's ok!!! Grace & I just hugged each other, thanking God for His divine hand @ work, admist our tears of joy.
Through out the pregnancy & delivery, Grace did really good. They should've have renamed the movie "G.I. Grace" instead of "G.I Jane"
Dearie, you are great!!
Grace & I have always believed that whatever good work God has started, He will provide the means to see to it's completion. God has His purposes for Charis & Eleos and it's a priviledge to be used by God to nurture them to follow God's call.
Thank you for all your Prayers (couldn't have gone through without them), well-wishers & gifts. Grace & I continue to covet your prayers as these early weeks will be the most challenging ones. Right now ...the sheer ecstasy has overcome the exhaustion of care-giving.
Praise the Lord ... for His Love endureth forever.
Btw, Charis means "grace" while Eleos means "mercy". Our little Boy (20mths old) Shalom means "peace". He has been pretty protective over the babies but he has already shown some signs of insecurity due to the shorter time Grace & I get to spend with him.
This is a simple prayer for our little household:
"May the grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord be with us through the days ahead." Amen.