Last Sunday (i know ... procrastinated writting this .. but better late than never : P) we brought the classroom outdoors to the Basketball court @ SPE. It was a really warm day and 16 youths braved the sweltering heat to pit their "gifts" against 2 challenges.
We are on the topic of "What's my life's calling?" & we've had 3 sessions before this one. A quick recap:
Session 1: Yg introduced what "Calling" really means. It's simply God calling You! Everyone is born with a Godly purpose in mind & that purpose if "Calling". There are 3 types of Calling: General (for everyone! & that's God's Love!), Specific (only for you!) & Immediate (what you need to do for now!)
Session 2: Wei Lim discussed 3 important questions: Who is God? Who am I? Why am I here? He also went through the character analysis of D.I.S.C
Session3: Edwin spelled out the importance of exercising your gifts to the best of our abilities.
So today, Yg explained that in session 3, the story was only half spoken. There's another half to complete the full-story. In excelling the gifts from God, we are not to reap the benefits only for ourselves, but more importantly for OTHERS 'cos .... *drum roll* we are all ONE BODY in Christ, though we're many parts!
Nothing beats learning God's truth through experiencing it. ok .... things get pretty interesting from here on. Here's how the 1st challenge goes.
We're split into 2 groups of weary travellers who have reached a "dead-end" in their journey because they have reached one s
The Rules ....
1. Each item is distributed to one member. Once that's done, no one else can touch that item.
2. All items have to be thrown into the toxic river.
3. The group will attempt to cross the river by stepping on these items, hw, they'll have to cross not individually but as 1 group ... heee .... tied to each other @ their legs.
4. Each group is given 15 mins to complete
Well .... they dived straight into the thick of things. Some strategising was involved, some trial & error but I'm glad to report that everyone worked together and really sweat it out.
Some learning points:
1. Like the different items in the game, we bring to the BODY, our different gifts.
2. Everyone has to exercise them appropriately (focussed on the goal, listening to each other, not being all individualistic) for the whole BODY to benefit.
3. Some gifts may seem to be of less worth in our eyes (e.g. newspaper), but it still carries so
4. Everyone crossed together, not as individuals. Although some of longer legs, we'll have to help those who don't.
2nd and last Challenge for the morning .... we've a game called "Warp Speed".
Objective: Pass the tennis in the agreed sequence in the fastest and more efficient manner.
Everyone formed a circle and we started out throwing the tennis balls to each other, calling the names. Once the sequence has been established, we began timing ourselves. Time starts when the ball leaves the hand of the starter, Time stops when then ball returns to the hand of the starter.
1st try: 27 seconds
2nd try: 20 seconds
Lets make things a little more complicated ...
instead of passing 1 ball ... lets pass 4 balls!!
1st try: ????? cannot make it ....
2nd try: change position to stand side by side with the partner. 20 secs.
3rd try: Putting balls on the ground and have everyone crowd around touching the ball ...
????? messy ... balls keep running away
4th try: Asked for a bag to contain all the balls, tried again passing around side to side. 5 secs.
5th try: Everyone formed a chain (like a narrow canal), and dropped the package through .... guess wat ... 2 seconds!!!
*whew* what a morning.
Well done everyone!!