Yo LKyouths!!
WUZ UP!! how swiftly the acad year has ended. Some of you will be busy with your CCAs ... do I hear Steph and Tiffany groaning ... For those who are heading to Isaan ... yeahh!!! ... exciting times ahead. For the Home Team, without the usual Youth Camp, this holidays may be a little "empty" but I encourage you to make it different. Most of "ministry" is actually done outside of Sunday. It's in the daily, mundane activities of our lives. We wake up, go to work/school, sit on the bus .... do the same old same old.
If you're out in school/workplace/Orchard Rd (sale!!)/Cinema!!, I encourage you to STOP for a short moment. Take the ear phones off, put the handphone away .... be still, open you eyes and ears and capture everything around you. It's as if time SLOWS down (hee .. hee .. like the series Heroes) and you're just letting the world pass you by.
(i) The people ... (what are they doing? what are they talking about? what are their securities?), (ii) the environment (am I bombarded with media? Is everything competing for my attention my belief system & my $$? Is it just to congested ... too noisy?)
(iii) Myself ... Who am I? What am I doing? Where am I going?
But God is moving ... can you feel it? First, you'ld have to convince yourself that HE indeed is there and not a figmentof Yiguang's overly-stimulated imagination.
I came across a helpful website for all seekers (may be yourself or your friends) http://www.christianity.net.au/ . Take a look and test everything ... just like the Bereans in ACTS:
"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." Acts 17:11
If indeed you believe the God of the Bible ... how differently will you spend your holidays?
PS: An ISAAN blog has been set up!!! Check it out!!! Link is on the left side-bar.