Hiyo LKYouths!!
I think the term "lkyouths" kinda have a nostalgic feel to it ... to know that I belong to somewhere. Okie ... I gonna hit the big "3" this year but that doesn't prevent me from remembering my "youthful" days and start feeling all "young" again : P
Anywayz, this blog has been carried over from the now defunct "lkbcyouthcamp-.blogspot". All the previous posts from there have been brought over. We've also done a little sprucing up and wa lah .... here it is.
I've subtitled the blog "His-tory of our lives". I sincerely hope that this will serve as a portal for different ones to share how His (i.e. our Jehovah, our Lord, Jesus Christ) Story has been reflected in every aspect of our lives. Feel free to comment/ tag etc etc. Share this blog with your friends! I believe that Christianity is best shared through living it out. Let's be real guyz .. there will be times we laugh and there will be times we cry. Christianity isn't only about the happy stuff but also the not-so-happy moments as well. But we know who holds tomorrow, for we know who holds our hands.
So ... enough blar-bur from this 'old-fogie' .. blog away ....