1. Grace and Soo are due for delivery anytime in november!! pray for a smooth one!
2. youth worship team will be UP oon the 6th of november! remember to be there at 8.30!
don't be late! (:
3. LK family day!! happening on the 12th of nov.! remember to keep that day free!!
if u haven't signed up, call yiguang @ 90171977.
4. angel tree project : 11-12 of december by prison ministry! get involved! more details will be given out soon!
5. 27th november: GAMES DAY!! we're heading off to somewhere INTERESTING!!
6. 18-22 dec. : YOUTH CAMP!! the event that is highly anticipated! if u haven't registered, call jonathan @ 96908743!
remember to invite your friends! (:
7. last week of DEC blockbuster not to be missed! very exciting!
all these INTERESTING events are not to be missed !
register NOW!
muahaha...but if you prank shall die a horrible death!
-charis and esther (: